Homemade Chai Spice

Homemade Chai Spice is not winter or summer or fall recipe but an everyday ritual in our home. Spices in Chai Spice go beyond the store bought Chai Masala Powder. So, I thought to share with you benefits of Homemade Chai Spice. Also, sharing how to make it your own, and adapt it to your changing season needs..
Every household has their favorite version of Chai Spice. Pretty much a "Chai Spice" for each season. It might sound daunting but the herbs and spices in it make all the difference in when and how is it used. Today, I'm sharing three variations of Chai Spice recipe. Also, including details of flavor and herbal benefits of each one.
So, let's know more about Chai Spice!
Chai Spice isn't only used for making a cup of hot Chai Tea or Chai Tea Latte. It is important ingredient in lot other food preparations. Sweet and savory, such as baked cookies, cakes, curries, even Chai spice flavored Ice Creams! All of these make this spice as popular and versatile as Curry Powder.
Ingredients for Chai Spice have special importance in flavor and potency of Chai Masala.
Cooling Chai Spice: Yes, spices can be cooling too. This chai tea spice is, healing for stomach, helps in digestion and is cooling. Perfect in summer days. Good for both hot or cold Chai Tea. Tastes delicious in cakes, pies, and even ice pops. I only use this one for teas and desserts during summer season. It's cooling nature does not raise body temperature like other warm spices. It is not spicy but gentle and has floral fragrance.
Warm Spicy Chai Spice: The most common, and favorite of all is - hot spicy Chai Spice. Not hot as chilies but still spicy with sharp spice after flavor. Most store carry/sell this mix by name Chai Masala powder. It is also used in Starbuck's Chai Tea Latte and my many friends crave for it daily. For many, tea is not tea if it does not have this warm Chai Spice.
I only use this in winters or special occasions. This is not everyday tea in my home. I'm sure you wondering, a spice devotee does not like Spice Tea. :) Well, I do love spices. But honestly, I also know when what spices is best for my family. I don't overuse or sneak'em in everything for sake of it. I love to learn about their use and make'em special part of our diet regime.
In short, if you are fan of spicy restaurant style Chai Tea? This spice mixture is for you. You can impress even toughest Indian Chai Critic with this Chai Masala.
It is also good to spice fall or winter cakes, hot tea, spiced cocktails, and even adds very complex flavor to curries. A little goes a long way.
TIP: If a recipe calls for garam masala and you don't have in hand. This hot Chai Spice with be a close alternative. However, I don't recommend the opposite.
How to get Most of Chai Spice: For changing seasons... Like this time of year when we are in almost last month of summer and rain has started showing it's sign here and there. Also, during flu season, a cup of Chai tea prepared with this Chai Spice will heal you from with-in. So, not just taste, it is also good for healing. Helps soar throat, sooth headaches, fever, body aches. and boosts natural body defense.
As-per changing season needs, I add following to warm or cool Chai Spice when making tea:
1) Fresh Ginger and Honey for soar throat
TIP: Don't just chop ginger but crush it and boil with tea for good 2 minutes for maximum flavor and benefit.
2) Turmeric for natural body cleanse and healing. Dried powder or fresh turmeric both work well. When using fresh follow the same tip as for fresh ginger.
3) Mulathi: This is tree bark very helpful in changing season. Most Indian stores carry it. It can be boiled or ground and mixed with Chai Spice mix.
Friends, blend a batch of Chai Tea mix today! And then explore the possibilites! I'm sure you will never buy it from store again.
-Savita x
Homemade Chai Spice
review) (1
Cooling Chai SpiceDirections
- 1. Grid Chai Spice: To make warming or cool Chai Spice, mix the dry whole spices. Grind using a good coffee grinder until coarse grinded. Additional Notes: I recommend adding fresh roots - ginger turmeric just before using Chai Spice.
- 2. Store in Air-Tight Container: Store in an airtight container. Best when consumed within a month of make spice-blend.
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5 Responses
Delicious! I have been looking for a recipe like this for ages. Thank you!Khadijah Ajmal
Hi dear... I really the spice chai masala recipe if I make my own powder at home for how many will it serve?Savita
Hi Khadijah, it depends on how much spice you prefer chai. I recommend a teaspoon for 3 cups of tea. This mostly vary based on how spicy chai you like. The best way to know is to make masala, try a few times. I hope it helps.Emily Smith
This is one of my FAV spice blend in the world! Thanks for sharing your recipe.Savita
Thanks, Emily! I'm so glad to share.