This Pesto Pappardelle pasta recipe features clean, homemade, fresh, and vibrant Kale Pesto made with dino kale, basil, parmesan, lemon, and walnuts. Starting from fresh raw ingredients, pasta is ready...
These Mexican Garlic Shrimp are large shrimp cooked with zesty garlic sauce loaded with flavor of herbs and chilies. An easy take on Mexican Camarones (shrimp) Al Mojo de Ajo, this shrimp with garlic sa...
This takeout-style Eggplant Stir Fry with sweet chili and garlic sauce is loaded with flavor and brings comfort of Chinese takeout in a homemade meal. Eggplant makes delicious vegetarian meal plus needs...
This Pasta Salad with Chickpeas is quick, versatile, and delicious take on Italian Pasta Salad. Its loaded with flavor, also loaded with few of the most loved and healthy vegetables on the planet - chic...
Brussel Sprouts Slaw, a quintessential side to a hearty family meal, this coleslaw recipe is my lite take on traditional coleslaw with shredded cabbage, brussel sprouts, crunchy apple tossed in a refreshing vinaigrette dressing made without mayo. This coleslaw recipe is gluten free, and can be vegan....
Roasted Red and Golden beets with walnuts crusted goat cheese and a refreshing dressing. The tang of goat cheese, crunchy roasted walnuts, sweet roasted beets makes this salad keep going for seconds. It...
Garlic Broccoli - steamed or boiled broccoli flavored with garlic oil and soy sauce. One of our family favorite recipe, this Garlic Broccoli comes together in just 10 minutes. It makes a great healthy s...
Try this Tuscan Bread Salad called Panzanella with juicy Heirloom Tomatoes and day old toasted bread soaked in delicious dressing made with tomato juices, vinegar, mustard and olive oil. Clean salad, ea...
Learn to make traditional Napa Cabbage Kimchi at home with this easy recipe. One of our favorite Kimchi, I always keep a jar of this in my refrigerator. Kimchi makes a great condiment loaded with delici...
Learn to make Vegan Kimchi at home with this easy recipe. I'm sharing tried and tested Vegan Kimchi recipe made with homemade kimchi paste without fish sauce using all vegetarian ingredients. This recipe is also gluten free, fat free, and preservatives free. I love to keep a jar of Vegan Kimchi in ref...