Honeydew Melon and Orange Juice

Melons are so fresh and juicy in summers. I am sure we all love melons but only caveat I face when buying melon is the size and associated prize. I am sure you all face this challenge.
Though most grocery stores carry pre-cut small portion of melons but I do not prefer those because of cost and chemical sprays. Well, but a full melon which will be minimum 5 pounds can be huge for a small family.
Whenever we buy melons, we cut a portion of our salads grocery and replace it with melon salad and juices. This way we can have fresh melon at home and it does not hurt our budget.

Hence, today is another day of eating melon, actually honeydew melon - turned into refreshing juice. Healthy and so satisfying…
Honeydew Melon and Orange Juice
review) (1
1. Juice melon and orange using a juicer. Add salt and serve immediately. If you don't like foam in juice, please filter it using fine strainer or cheese cloth.
Savita's Notes:
134 grams of Honeydew Melon has 48 Calories with 306 mg Potassium and only 0.2 grams of Fat. So one cup of Melon Juice will keep you full for a long time because most of the calories it has are from carbohydrates and will give you loads of potassium for health benefits. So bring home melon sometime and enjoy fresh health.© Chef De Home. Post content including video and photos are copyright protected.
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7 Responses
Bhavin Shukla
Worked perfect for us. Thanks for the idea, we instead used Sweet Melon and Orange. Sprinkled little bit of salt on the froth after pouring juice in individual glasses, which gave different flavours, sweet and tangy from the juice and bit salty in the froth. Wish I could share snaps. Thank you for sharing the recipe.Savita
Thanks for letting me know. It sounds delicious. I would love to see the pictures! Please feel free to share pics in Instagram and tag us #savitachefdehome. Thanks.Savita
thanks @Pure ComplexPure Complex
This looks so darn delicious. This is really the perfect summer drink that I could enjoy anytime of the daychefDeHome
@Gina, you can use a fine strainer or strain it twice using regular strainer to remove foam.Gina Anderson
Hi, I wanted to ask you what do you use to strain this juice if I don not have cheese cloth. My kids are picky and will not like any froth on top. Any suggestions?Sonia
Never tried orange juice with honeydew, good idea. I will try thic combination next time I buy melon. Thanks Chefdehome